#133 – Perversion Story

#Settegialli with guests Rachael Nisbet & Christian Preiß

06.10.2020 108 min Alexander

Zusammenfassung & Show Notes

It's Settegialli and Alexander talks with guests Rachael Nisbet & Christian Preiß about an early Lucio Fulci gem

Alexander talks with guests Rachael Nisbet and Christian Preiß about Lucio Fulci’s proto-giallo: Perversion Story

Achtung: Diese Folge ist in Englisch. Wenn ihr uns lieber auf Deutsch hören wollt, dann könnt ihr euch auf eine Folge zu Besser geht’s nicht in den nächsten Tagen freuen.

And now in English: Perversion Story is also known as One on Top of the Other. The Italian title is Una sull’altra. It’s one of Fulci’s earlier giallo entries. Or is it? This is only one aspect we discuss in the show. So join us as we talk about two electrical chairs in St. Quentin, the visual flourishes of a 1920s nudie bar and a man who more or less forgot what his wife looks like!

This is a nice, long episode with seven major talking points, the Abspanngucker Giallo Beats:
  1. La trama e scandalo: The Plot and the Protagonist
  2. Belle ragazze: The women
  3. Grande stile: Direction, Style, Music
  4. L’Assassinio: The murderer and the the murders
  5. Sospetto: The suspects and the scandalalous
  6. Sciocchezze! Italian nonsense
  7. I momenti miglori: Bava colors and other moments of excellence
Settegialli: Let’s watch seven gialli in July (or four if you’re short on time), Hashtag #settegialli

You can find Rachael on Twitter @rachael_nisbet.
And this is her marvellous blog: hypnoticcrescendos.blogspot.com
After recording this episode here (we actually recorded in 2019) Rachael started a fantastic podcast with Peter Jilmstad. It’s dedicated to giallo of course: Fragments of Fear

Christian tweets as Giornata_Nera
He has this awesome little Japanese music label: GetYourGenki. Get your Genki on Twitter @getyourgenki and on Bandcamp

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